I have so many amazing pictures to share with all of you :)
Also, I am in the process of posting a video of my imats experience (video footage inside & picture slideshow). I have a haul + review of all of the products I purchased AND a makeup look using all products that I purchased this weekend. I hope you all stay tuned! If you are not subscribed to my Youtube channel you should do it now ^__^
Click here!! :)
Here is a picture of me and Lauren (queenofbleding). She is so tiny!! :p
And here is a picture of me and Josh (petrilude). How fabulous is he??!?!
Me and Pursebuzz! She gave me a bow hehe :)
I met Gretchen Rossi and Slade Smiley from The Real Housewives of Orange County. They were sitting right next to us at P.F Changs and we had such an enjoyable conversation :) They are such kind people.
Hehe Tiffanyd doing what she does best :) I was bummed I never got to actually meet her because she was so busy but she is so beautiful in person!!!
Jessica and I waiting in line to go to Kandee Johnsons Q&A. Kandee is SO incredibly sweet and even gave me a brush roll ^__^
I waited in line for an hour just to talk to her for a second and take a picture with her. The angle of this picture is weird and makes us both look very wide. Believe me she is not wide in anyway!
Kandee's sister Tiffany that we all know and love. My favorite quote of the day was from her, "God bless your socks off!!" Ha ha ha i love it!!