Saturday, April 23, 2011

Essentials for applying makeup on other people!

Hey everyone!
I just wanted to share a few things that I have learned from some of my training lately :)
To keep everything completely hygienic you need a few essential items.
First, you need brush cleaner, pencil sharpener and at least 70% alcohol. The brush cleaner helps to sanitize, wash, and condition brushes while the alcohol can clean makeup products like lipstick. There are plenty of brands of good brush cleaner, what i generally use is the Mac brush cleaner because its very available and priced fairly. Pencil sharpener is essential because once you use a pencil you must sharpen it so that only new product is showing.
 (you don't by any means need a nars one, this just showed that you want a big and little opening)

For sanitary appliance there are a few basic things need.
Palettes and spatulas are completely necessary. To scoop a product like lipstick, lipgloss, creme blush, cream eyeshadow, or anything that is not completely solid, you need a spatula. You must apply the product to a palette so spatual isn't contaminated with dirty brushes which in return will contaminate your products.
When it comes to actually applying the makeup, there are several different options. With mascara you can use disposable mascara wands or what I think is even better is a fan brush. A very thin one at that, what you need to do is have a clean, uncontaminated mascara that you apply to the fan brush and onto the eyelashes. You can't apply the mascara onto the fan brush more than once or it will contaminate the mascara. A very thin small fan brush is definitely favorable.
Last but not least, we will talk about foundation application. Of course you can use a brush and as long as you have brush cleaner with you, you can clean the brush and reuse it. But disposable sponges are always awesome to have just in case and for those times you don't have time to clean the brush between faces! (don't buy those ones from the dollar store ha ha ha)

I hope you all found this to be a little helpful! As always if you have any questions please message me or leave me a comment :) I always reply!
 Have a wonderful rest of your day!


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